Helicopters Addons for Minecraft PE Pocket Edition

Helicopters Addons for Minecraft PE Pocket Edition

【iPhone人気最新アプリ】Helicopters Addons for Minecraft PE Pocket Editionの評価・評判、口コミ

How to fly the helicopter?

Alright, first off you need to find a helicopter. Since it replaces the blaze you can only find them spawning naturally in the Nether. However, you can also just use a blaze spawn egg to get one in the Overworld.
The helicopter got seats for just one person and that is for the pilot.
- Long press on the helicopter and press Ride

-It won’t start flying until you’ve refilled the fuel tank and this is done by throwing petrol cans (snowballs) at the vehicle.
-Hold a diamond sword in your hand to control the direction of the helicopter.
-The helicopter stays in air for approximately 80 seconds before it runs out of fuel and either needs to be refueled or descend to land.

Some items from the app require subscription for full functionality:



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