【iPhone人気最新アプリ】Kerrang! Magazinefrom heavy metal to punkの評価・評判、口コミ
• Gigs! Our huge weekly guide will tell you about ‘em
• Gig reviews! We’ll then tell you how good they were. Or not, ha!
From Slipknot to Bring Me The Horizon, from death metal to thrash, core, punk and beyond, Kerrang! has been out there keeping the metal scene alive for decades.
We get you closer to the music you love.
Digital purchase options available:
• £1.99 per issue
• £5.99 per month (4 issues)
• Gig reviews! We’ll then tell you how good they were. Or not, ha!
From Slipknot to Bring Me The Horizon, from death metal to thrash, core, punk and beyond, Kerrang! has been out there keeping the metal scene alive for decades.
We get you closer to the music you love.
Digital purchase options available:
• £1.99 per issue
• £5.99 per month (4 issues)
Kerrang! Magazinefrom heavy metal to punkのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 最新アプリレビュー
- うーん…。

- 1.0
- ウサラー 2017年03月20日
ベビメタ目当てで最新号購入しましたが、表題のようにエラーでマトモに表示されません。 また表示されたページも解像度が低いので、拡大しても文字が潰れていて酷すぎます!